Bouquet of Ping-Pong Yellow
The Ping-Pong Yellow Chrysanthemum Bouquet is a vibrant and cheerful arrangement, featuring bright yellow chrysanthemums that are sure to uplift any space. Known for their delicate round shape and radiant color, these yellow chrysanthemums symbolize positivity, happiness, and new beginnings. Perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or just as a way to brighten someone’s day, this bouquet brings warmth and joy to any occasion. The bold yellow blooms add a touch of freshness and energy, making it a delightful gift for friends, family, or loved ones.
Product details:
- 2 Lilys White
- 3 ping-pong yellow
- 3 red roses
4 gypso
- Estimated Delivery : Up to 4 business days
- Free Shipping & Returns : On all orders over $200
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